Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bienvenu à mon blog

Hello family, friends, stalkers, and strangers!

I have created this blog to inform you of my adventures abroad and will try to update this blog when I have time. I think this will work better than sending you emails because then I won't forget the interesting things that happen during my daily life.

My first cross cultural adventure: Dakar, Senegal. If you are scratching your head like many Americans do when geography becomes the subject, Senegal is a French speaking country in West Africa. Consult the map below to become better informed. I arrived in Senegal on January 9th with two other girls and a professor. It took me 10 hours total in the air to get from my home town to Dakar, which actually wasn't that bad. We arrived at 7 am and had a full day of orientation on the roof of a lady's house in Yoff, a neighborhood in Dakar. We joined another group of five students for this orientation and learned about the most important things that we shouldn't do if we don't want to offend people here. For example, I am not allowed to eat with my left hand because that is the hand that people use to wash themselves. So I am becoming ambidextrious.

I won't bore you all with details in this blog, instead I think each entry will have a theme stemming from my daily experiences here. I hope that you learn some about Senegal through my experiences and enjoy reading about my adventures.

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